June ’24

Yesterday was our June tournament. The numbers fluctuated. 6 players promised, then Morteza turned up unannounced; so 8 with me playing. Then Dave rang in sick and Hammon forgot! So back to a RR of 6 players. The life and trials of a TD!

There’s definitely a trend building of new members winning at their first attempt. 3 players won 3 matches but the count back was easy. Yalli +6, Ali +1 and TD 0.

All matches were played in great spirit although it took Yalli a moment or two to digest his loss when he only had one checker left to bare off!
This is only the second time in my 50 year Backgammon career that I’ve managed to do this. I also learned that it has its own name: Coup-Classique! Backgammon Galore’s explanation can be found here https://bkgm.com/gloss/lookup.cgi?coup+classique (Yalli had 14 checkers off before I hit his blot!) A Coup-Classique-Extraordinaire perhaps, or just amazing luck?

I can thank Adam Makda for the photos this month and his kind offer to be a stand in TD for next month’s tournament on the 6th July; while I celebrate my birthday.

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