April ’24

Despite the weather, yesterday’s tournament went ahead but without Dave who unfortunately got massively delayed, sitting in an immobile train. I played in his stead and won him a bottle of wine, which I hope is some sort of recompense.

I decided, with 10 starters, to try something a little different as two 5 player RRs + a final/consolation was likely to be too long given our approx. 5 hour time constraint.

Gary Stavrou, who runs a weekly tournament at the Nth Ryde RSL, has adapted a Swiss system that I used to run at the Woolly Bay Hotel many years ago.

Other than stuffing up the transition from R1 to R2 it went very well. 4 rounds later we had a clear winner of the dinner for 2 and the pools total of $225 in Morteza; 4/4. However, if Steve had won their last match, which he looked like doing, I think we may have had to play a 5th round or just rely on the +/-.

More thought required, I think.

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