November ’24

3 ladies at our November tournament, Paula, Olivia and Sherin. They are all relatively new players especially with playing on a clock. It adds another dimension and pressure to anyone. I was impressed with how well they handled it. (Emma watched on )

Morteza ran out as the winner, Otto R/U and Masoud the Consolation.

A shoutout to Paul who ran 4th on his first visit to the club.

Appologies to Yalli. He should have been the 4th finalist on a count back. Your TD is human – my bad! (Note to self; wait for all the matches to finish!)

Our next tournament is our finale for 2024 on Saturday 7th December. At the time of writing we have 30 paid up members = $600 in the prize pool.

I propose to split it:

1st $300

2nd $200

3rd $100

(Unless there’re more new members beforehand.)

There will be the usual $20, $10 and $5 pools for our gamblers

A copy of the year’s bank account statement will be available.

PS. Thank you to everyone for bringing their boards. Without them it wouldn’t be possible to run the tournament – I dream of a day when the club can afford to buy its own!

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