SBC welcomed two new members, Olivia and Masoud (returning after an absense of a number of years). The last time I entertained Masoud, his sister, M&D was at the Hero of Waterloo in September 2018. I hope to see them all again soon.

This month’s tournament was a 6 player round robin. Masoud looked for all money to be the runnerway favourite after 3 rounds but was pegged back to R/U after losing his last two matches. It was a very close tournament with 3 players 3/2. The countback was easy though. Ali the Winner, Masoud R/U and Andrew the Consolation.
Club wedding bells have been ringing. Masoud’s in May this year and Ali and Julia off to Türkiye for their 2nd wedding! (After enjoying a lovely dinner for two at the RACA I hope.)
While I enjoy running, playing and watching a competitive tournament, I must ask that players respect the game’s etiquette. Playing online in the privacy of ones own home allows comments and vigourous expressions of delight and disappointment. This can lead to forming bad habits! When playing against a person sitting a meter away this isn’t condoned. (See Rule 1.2)