September ’24

Our first event using clocks. After a slow start, by the end of the tournament, players were using the clocks well, once a single set of dice was used.

The tightest match I saw was Noah’s against Morteza. Leading 6/1, Noah had just over a minute left in his time bank. Great time management you’d think if he wins this game; but he didn’t! The final score was 7/6 to Noah, who still had a minute left. Just shows what you can do when the pressure is on!

The clocks certainly helped move the matches along. We’d finished two 7 point rounds by the 12:30 lunch bell.

Noah went on to play Matthew in the final but lost sufficiently badly to miss out on a bottle of wine on a count back.

Ali the R/U and Yalli the Consolation.

As an aside; Adam and I got talking over lunch about Backgammon art. He has an old print by Giulio Rosati. Mine is more modern and if anyone would like one, they are available in various sizes. Price on enquiry.

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